Can you imagine a timeless, endless existence, where there are no clocks or calendars, no sunrise or sunset, no past or future? Nevertheless, after this life, that is where we are all going.
The word “eternity” is found only once in the Bible, Isaiah 57:15.”For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity.” Of course, there are Many instances in Scripture where the words “eternal” and “forever” are used. But there is only one “eternity.”
God inhabits this Mysterious realm. Psalm 90:2 says, “Even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God.” We dare not even consider the question, “What did God do in all eternity?” God always was, is now, and always will be.
The Lord revealed Himself to us in His holy Word as one God. In this Godhead there are three distinct Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each Person is God, yet they are not three Gods, but one God.
How long is eternity? For an answer we must stretch our imagination to the breaking point. Suppose that every atom in the universe was destroyed, one atom every century. When the last atom disappeared from creation, that would not be one second compared to eternity.
God is love. In eternity He decided, out of pure love, to create creatures who would share His love and blessings. “I have loved thee with an everlasting love,” says the Lord in Jeremiah 31:3. God, in this respect, is somewhat like parents who desire children to share their hearts and home.
The God of love also created angels when Ho made the world, and they live with Him in glory and happiness.
Man was created and put into a world regulated by the sun moon, and stars. Unlike the angels, man was created to live and think in “time.” Events come and go, one thing happens after another, we are always conscious of time. But strangely enough, on earth we have no past or future, only the present which is given us one second at a time. We cannot even hold on to a single second, it slips out of our grasp and flees from us.
What is life compared to eternity? It is like a dream, a smoke, a vapor. Man is a candidate for eternity. The moment a baby is born it is eternal. From now on, all of us will live to be as old as God Himself. Life is of utmost importance then, not to be wasted or squandered. Now is the ‘seed’ time for eternity, a time to prepare for that long journey from which we never return.
Most people care little about death and eternity. Yet every new year, every Birthday should remind us that we are but dust. Few ask themselves, ”Where will I spend eternity?” We sincerely hope you know the answer.
The Lord made heaven for the angels and man. But some of the angels and man sinned and separated themselves from the holy God. Now there are two places after death, heaven and hell.
No one enjoys describing the tortures of hell, the most horrifying thing about hell is that word “eternity.” It has been said that there is a sign over the gates of hell which says, “Leave all hope behind.”
How utterly marvelous does not Jesus appear in our eyes! He died on the cross to save the entire world from this place of torments. God’s love for our fallen world is almost unbelievable, far, far beyond all understanding – He gave His own Son to be our substitute, and punished Him for our sins.
A familiar question, “What will this cost me?” Salvation is ours without cost or price; we are saved by grace, by faith in the crucified Son of God. In eternity we shall sing this song, “Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb,” Rev 7:10. We urge you to put your trust and hope in Jesus our Lord.
Now is our day of grace, tomorrow it may be too late. Jesus pleads, “Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me,” Rev 3:10.
What are life’s little crosses and sorrows compared to eternity? Over the door of a cathedral is written, “All that pleases is but for a moment.” Over another door of the same church we read, “All that troubles is but for a moment.” And over the central entrance to the church is this inscription, “That only is important which is eternal.”
Those of us who know our Savior we have no fear in reading these lines about eternity. We have forgiveness of sins, peace with God, and the promise of eternal life. We live a normal life, but we are also conscious of the fact that we are creatures of eternity, that this life is not the end, but the beginning. Eternal life is offered to all without exception. Do not say with Felix (Acts 24:25),*Go thy way for this time, when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Do not shrug off these sobering thoughts and say, “When I get older or near death, I will consider these matters, but net now.” This may be your last invitation from the God of love.
We cannot tell you the whole will of God for time and eternity in these few lines. Please contact a Christian pastor and ask his to tell you more about these eternal matters.
The vast river of eternity is rushing upon us from the Breaking dam of time, and soon we shall all be engulfed. On that great Day when we stand before God “who inhabiteth eternity,” our only hope will be in Jesus Christ our Lord. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Amen.
Harry Shiley, Pastor Milwaukee, Wisconsin